'It's Raining Men' - click here to see an enlarged detail (contemporary semi-abstract fiber art by textile artist Mary-Clare Buckle)

contemporary semi-abstract textile art by uk textile artist Mary-Clare Buckle

It's Raining Men
size 116 x 93cm - Sold

This is a semi-abstract textile art work combining digital images with felted wool, the background being based on the view I see every day when I wake up. I'd always loved the song, but wanted to put across the idea that if it rained men, you wouldn't necessarily get the type of men you wanted. So, as well as getting Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe and a bunch of (supposedly) hunky fashion models falling in your lap, you might also end up with the likes of Prince Charles, Stephen Byers (politician - remember him?) and Dudley Moore!"

I have now been commissioned to create a companion piece - 'It's Raining Women', with images of female celebrities. These are part of a continuing series of 'It's Raining ...' pieces - cows, money, cats & dogs, etc.

Click here to see an enlarged detail of this piece

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image & text © Mary-Clare Buckle & Andrew Green
webpage © Andrew Green

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