Above is an enlargement of the felt piece itself, with the light switched off
This shows it backlit, as it appears with the integral light switched on
Tokelau Storm - size 50 x 35cm - price £470
This is one of a series of pieces inspired by the South Sea islands of Tokelau.
Working primarily with turqoise, blue and white and having sea and surf in mind, the swirling
patterns of the resultant piece immediately brought to mind one of the many tropical storms which
the Tokelau islanders are increasingly experiencing, due to global warming.
Inspired by the story of Tokelau, I have produced a series of work to capture the romance
and beauty of these coral atolls.
to look at the special website which I have set up about the Tokelau Internet Project and
the work which I have produced inspired by the islands.
... or to read a little more information about Tokelau & the Tokelau project, click